Veera Group

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Waste oil to diesel solutions-Veera group-Energy Saver cooking machines

Energy saver cooking machines

Under Attil Veera brand we manufacture our proprietary range of energy saving cooking machines with high efficiency and safety. The systems are unique in design with high energy saving upto 30% compared to LPG. Apart from faster cooking time and less energy, there is no heat loss as the excess heat are converted into useable form thereby providing healthy and cool working environment for the cooking staff. The highest of innovation in cooking to suit chefless kitchens for any and all types of cuisines defining automation is in pipeline and soon to be launched.

Our range of cooking machines include Multi-dish cooking machines, Tilting Kadai and Biryani Pot including 50 litres, 75 litres, 100 litres, 125 litres upto 150 litres capacity.



Canteens, Hotels, Cloud kitchens, Centralized kitchens and various food processing industries

Certification & Standards

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